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Anti-racism (respite/ refuel/refocus/resist) retreat

Fri, 04 Dec


Location is TBD

FULL! But please fill out the registration if you would like to be on the waitlist.

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Anti-racism (respite/ refuel/refocus/resist) retreat
Anti-racism (respite/ refuel/refocus/resist) retreat

Time & Location

04 Dec 2020, 6:00 pm – 06 Dec 2020, 2:00 pm

Location is TBD


About the event

This event is currently full! Please fill out the registration if you would like to be on the waiting list.

Engaging with te Tiriti o Waitangiand anti-racism and privilege is a lifelong journey.

This residential weekend/retreat is a safe space to explore anti-racism, and te Tiriti o Waitangiresponsibilities to Māori. The interactive programme is tailored to participants with a focus on fostering practical strategies to eliminate racism. It includes technical input, skill-sharing, problem-solving, planning, network building, and time with anti-racist elders. Content will be negotiated with and tailored to participants but may include:

· Mapping and disrupting institutional racism

· Doing critical te Tiriti analysis

· Using stories to unpack and disrupt racism

· Working through anti-racism pickles

· Te Tiriti o Waitangiresponsiveness plans

· Bystander interventions and courageous conversations

· The implications and possibilities of WAI 2575, Matike Mai report

· Radical self-care

· Being an effective ally

· Teaching te Tiriti-based practice

In short, this event is an anti-racism version of chicken soup for the soul with a political edge and nourishing vegetarian kai.

6 pm start Friday 4thDecember 2020, 2pmish finish Sunday 6thDecember 2020.

Feel free to come early on Friday to dodge Auckland traffic and check out the extensive social justice library. No internet and marginal at best cell-phone coverage so a chance to really unplug.

Cost: $350 institution, $150 other, (free registration for those coming from South Island)

Maximum twenty-five participants – please bring a base understanding of te Tiriti o Waitangi.


Dr Heather Came-Friar is a seventh generation Pākehā New Zealander. He Tangata Tiriti ahau. Her background is in health promotion, public health and social justice activism. Heather is Head of Department of Public Health at Auckland University of Technology, a founding member of STIR: Stop Institutional Racism, Acting co-President of the NZ Public Health Association, co-convenor for Te Tiriti based futures: Anti-racism 2020 and a Research Associate with Taupua Waiora Centre for Māori Health Research. Her research focuses on critical te Tiriti analysis, te Tiriti o Waitangi application, institutional racism and anti-racism.

Trevor Simpson Te kotahi a Tuhoe ka kata te po. Trevor currently works for the Health Promotion Forum. His interests are in raising the profile of Māori issues particularly in the areas of health and matters of social importance. Trevor is committed to health promotion as a fundamental approach to improving Māori health status and believes that strong Māori leadership in this field is an essential facet if we are to contemplate success. Trevor Simpson is a White Ribbon Ambassador and co-chair of STIR.

Miriam Gioia Sessa. An Italian/English activist, Miriam Gioia Sessa began feminist and social justice activism at the young age of 14 while living Rome. She is currently working in the sexual violence sector in Aotearoa New Zealand.


Kotare Centre for Social Change - 510 Wayby Station Rd, Hoteo North, Wellsford

Kotare is about an hour’s drive north of Auckland and an hour south from Whangārei.  From the south, turn left at Wayby Station Rd just after the Dome Valley – note yellow AA sign.  From the north, turn right just before the Caltex service station in Wellsford, then watch for Wayby Station Rd on your left, about five minutes down the road.

Kotare offers marae-style and bunkroom sleeping areas.  We provide all meals, from dinner on Friday until lunch on Sunday.  We do our best to meet special dietary requirements.  It would be great if you could advise these at the time you register along with any other particular needs you might have. Please bring bedding – duvet or sleeping bag, and a top sheet, a towel, and any personal items you may need to be comfortable.

With Covid19 it is important that people don’t come to the retreat if they are at all sick, even if it means cancelling out at the last minute. This event may be postponed if we are still in lockdown and full refunds will be available.

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